You Can Change Yourself
Create Major Change In Your Life with eutaptics® FasterEFT™
The 'You Can Change Yourself Master Training' (Level One of the eutaptics® FasterEFT™ Training system) is specifically structured to provide the best possible start for any individual, whether they are planning on becoming a practitioner or not. This training program focuses entirely on the personal transformation of each participant. Throughout the training, participants receive an in-depth education on how the mind and body work and are then guided through the process of making changes to their own subconscious references based on the transformation they desire to achieve in their own lives. Upon completing the course, you will receive ongoing help, support, and guidance through regular live online mentoring sessions and a dedicated private Facebook group, as well as via email support.
Srishti, said "I get so much empowerment. Just self empowerment that I can take charge of that, any little trigger and I can heal myself."
You Can Change Yourself Master Training will empower you to:
- Heal the pain, fear, emotional stress, and relationship issues that constantly plague you.
- Connect with the creative person inside and develop a happier outlook.
- Become a participant in your own life instead of simply watching time slip by.
Finally free yourself from trying every modality, diet, pill, therapy in the book just to have none of it really SOLVE the root of the problem. After this week of training you’ll walk away with:
- Energy, motivation, and know-how to transform your life – forever.
- The step-by-step system of eutaptics® FasterEFT™. You can use this every single day to feel in control and create the life you’ve always wanted.
- The TOTEMS Model will allow you to change any memory into something that leaves you with a smile.
- New friends and a lifelong support team through the eutaptics® FasterEFT™ community. You’ll connect with like-minded people to encourage you in your changes.
- The Peace Process so you can transform your undesirable outcomes into exactly what you want.
- An understanding of your RAS and how to use it to change what you see around you. Imagine being able to filter out the things that bother you!
- The inspiration you need to embrace the dreams and goals you’ve been pushing back for years.
40+ hours of in depth understanding, explanation, and eutaptics®. Work at your own pace. Robert will cover topics such as:
- Real Reason We Become Depressed
- Understanding Surprising Memory Links
- Tap On Stress, Anxiety and Depression
- Understanding Emotional Escapism
- Tapping On Triggers
- Fearing Normalcy
- Resistance to Healing
- Releasing the Myth of Disorders
- Addressing Specific Memories
- Feeling Guilty for Other’s Feelings
- Feeling Physical Signs of Depression & Anxiety
- Physical Pain and the Emotional Toll it Takes
- Relationships and How They Form Us
- Fear of Happiness and Success
- Q & A on Mental Health
- Q & A on Childhood Memories
- And More!
Tap along with Robert and witness others’ profound healing and insights. You’ll transform yourself and gain an unparalleled understanding of:
- How the mind works and how it creates memory links
- How neuroplasticity clears unwanted memories and gives you back control
- How to heal your depression/anxiety the healthy way and when to stop listening to other’s advice
- How to tap on painful memories that keep you falling back into your problems
- How to take the power out of your problems and give it back to yourself
- How to stop hating yourself and comparing yourself to others
- How to empower yourself to stay happy and healthy
- How to repair damaged relationships
- Have the option to begin your journey as a eutaptics® Practitioner!
- Work with others to gain community and support on your journey. When others let go, it is a gift of sharing which helps everyone else heal and let go. We are all in this together!
You’ll receive a special download of the Happy Journal & Weekly Action Plan and learn how to use both to achieve your ultimate health goals!
eutaptics® FasterEFT™ Training Success Stories
Watch as she taps on herself and shares her own experience with eutaptics® FasterEFT™.
Let customers speak for us
from 82 reviewsThe Informations are so valuable and it is important to hear them over and over again !
I love and appreciate Robert's work and Expertise and patience and love deeply.
I am very happy that step by step my memories do change.
And as I keep tapping I am feeling better and better and behave more freely ....
with Thanks from my heart, Aseema
Round the clock 'high alert' anxiety drove me here but I run a full spread emotional buffet. With a dessert table. And appetizer's and a waffle stand.
Whilst I have not processed ALL the entrees (depression, chronic fatigue, celiac and much much more ) that support the state of my mind's focus (tragedy, loss, misery, serial failure). Years of talk therapy and pills did not work. I know this is the place I CAN get my head right.
Tho I use language playfully & with humor - my presence here is a dead serious endeavor. Prior to being sponsored, I struggled to find a reason to continue with a life that had very little quality and little to no hope left.
That has changed now. Thankfully, I have a new hope. I can see the light. I know if I follow the map Robert has so laid out so well.. I will find even greater joy & satisfaction in life.
My gratitude does not end with Robert and the mind overhaul system he created. The community is amazing as well!
Much to my surprise, the community has welcomed me VERY warmly. Roberts team is absolutely a beautiful reflection of him, and I relish being here with them.
Truly it is humbling to meet, know and be supported by such a helpful, compassionate, honest group of big hearts from across the world.
I have a long way to go but know (at long last) I am on the right road. Destination: Forgiveness, love, happiness & well being.
Thank you Robert Gene Smith, Eutaptics & the wonderful community you have built.
I have never had any kind of therapy and was quite apprehensive and cynical, but then…Robert! He was thorough, kind, and relentless. I kept thinking okay that was good-we can stop now…BUT he was like a dog with a bone and would not stop until I “let go” of so many memories that I thought I had buried. At the beginning I felt he was on “auto pilot”, but finally realized that if he had not been persistent then I would have never begun to rid some of my memories.
His session and the subsequent videos I have watched have made me realize that it is okay to think about “me”, which is a new concept in my life.
For this final chapter of my life I don’t want to continue to have all these feelings of “never good enough” and am hopeful that through Level 1 online and the in-person workshop in September that I will know how to rid myself of problems when they arise!! And that I can come to terms with other issues that continue to plague me through his passionate pursuit of helping everyone live life to the fullest. I thank God each day for bringing Robert Gene Smith into my life and look forward with great anticipation his further teachings and techniques to learn how to live without feelings of unworthiness!!
Grazie mille Roberto! Tu sei brillante e passionate da la vita!!!!
Ci vediamo presto!
Dear Robert thank you for the opportunity, it was awesome.
I love you, you have Change mine live tremendously,
Thank you, thank you.
I had a two hour session with Robert and he is so on point. It helped me to let go of emotions I carried with me for a long time. Robert doesn't let you go before you are "clean". Compared to doing the process for myself alone, it's much faster, with Robert, guiding me through it. When you find yourself spinning in circles with regard to a certain topic, make sure, you book a session with Robert. He will end the cycle ;-).
After working through important emotional issues I had been carrying for many years. I feel as though a huge weight has now been lifted off my shoulders. Which I never knew how to deal with before. I really appreciate your incredible creation & team in helping so many people around the world. Thank you so much Robert :)
Prior to taking this training, I had done some reading and exploring about establishing a Happy Journal. The more I explored Faster EFT, the more I realized how important HJ was to the whole process. Once, the issue is identified, then it is crucial to merge a Happy Experience with the old issue. In that way, the issue or memory, or what-ever, is eliminated. At one time, I was having difficulty identifying happy memories. I realized that I needed the training so that I could access more happy memories. The training solidified and encouraged me to explore and find more happy memories. Well worth the expense and the time spent doing so.
Recently I had a 2 hour session with Robert.
I found him to be gentle and kind and funny. I felt comfortable and safe during our interaction.
Since my session I feel lighter, more at peace. I am sleeping better. I don't feel anxious like I was. It's like peace has descended upon me like a cloud. I have more I want changed but for my first time, this is a really profound and obvious positive result. Thankyou Robert 🙂
With this session, you're getting quality, not quantity & it is so worth it. Highly recommended if you can't show up all month.
Four Weeks of Training (eight hours) how to Lose Weight by Changing the Food Programs!
Building on our first session we got into high gear and we addressed a bunch of key memories
I was impressed at how quickly things began to shift. I'm looking forward to rehearsing my new memories and moving forward to my 3rd session.
TY Robert for your system and for our session.
Attending this interactive workshop is a mind blowing experience. Robert is the Guru, a pioneer in helping people overcome their challenges in all aspects of life.
I am deeply touched by Robert's compassionate, respectful, dignified approach to the participants who came for the workshop to quit smoking. The way he digs deeper creating a safe and non threatening environment is uniquely special. I do not smoke but drank light black tea whenever I was stressed out. After two sessions of this workshop I stopped touching black tea.
I am fortunate to have found Robert and having done the level 4 certification.
Fabulous course learnt a lot
Very enlightening thank you
I am so thankful I stumbled across FasterEFT. I was going through an incredibly hard break up, I was looking for ways to deal with my emotions and move on with my life. The 5 day course has had a massive impact on my life and continues to do so. It has helped me shift my consciousness.
I haven't had this much self worth in years. I love myself again. I feel full in who I am and I have wonder for life and I now strive to be the best version of myself. It's been years since I felt like this. If I was in a position monetarily I would do the course and become qualified but unfortunately that isn't something I can afford. Maybe one day in the future.
I am so thankful for all the work and everyone who has been involved in making FasterEFT what it is today. I now share with everyone that I use this technique and I encourage others to do so.