What is PTSD and How to Set Yourself Free!
Trauma is a difficult subject to talk about, especially when discussing PTSD and the lasting effects it has long after the trauma has occurred. It can make you feel as if those around you are a million miles away and that relief will never come. This course was designed to help you confront those memories and change their impact on your life, enabling you to create meaningful connections with yourself and those around you once more. You'll learn to train your brain to view your past as a program you no longer need and rid yourself of the lasting effects of PTSD and surviving trauma using eutaptics®. With the tools provided in this seminar, you'll be able to pave the way for a stress-free future by changing your thought patterns and associations with the past.
A message from Robert:
You are not broken. You have just become very successful in replaying and rehearsing the past today. I believe you deserve more than that. I know that with a little help, you’ll believe you deserve more than that. You’re ready for something better. I am dedicated to helping you find the memories that have kept you in this suspended state of trauma and help you change them.
- Robert
Get 7+ hours of tap along videos and recordings to help you free yourself from your trauma. Robert covers such topics as:
- Real Secret To Trauma
- Understanding Surprising Links
- Tap On Past Conditioning
- Understanding Emotional Trauma and PTSD
- Tapping On Addictions
- Fearing Public Spaces
- Resistance to Sleep
- Releasing Fear and Anxiety
- Addressing Old Programs
- Feeling Unsafe Around Family
- Why Do I React?
- Tap Along Videos
- Q & A on PTSD
- Q & A on Common Fear Programs
- And More!
You’ll transform yourself and gain an unparalleled understanding of:
- How the mind works and how it creates memory links
- How neuroplasticity clears addictions and gives you back control
- How to break the rules of grief the healthy way and when to stop taking advice
- How to tap on specific memories
- How to take the power out of fear and give it back to yourself
- How to stop hating the past and comparing yourself experiences to others
- How to talk to your loved ones about PTSD and healing before it becomes a problem!
You’ll receive a special download of the Happy Journal & Weekly Action Plan and learn how to use both to achieve your ultimate health goals!
It's easy for someone on the outside to say, 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.' But in reality, for those who have suffered great trauma, it's often the survival itself that is hard to cope with. In an instant, you're back at the moment of impact, reliving the fear, somehow making it to the other side over and over again. These emotional connections to your past are often the hardest to break because they can be triggered by ordinary occurrences.
Seeing a happy expression on a stranger's face can remind an assault survivor of the smile that lured them in. Hearing a loud noise can bring even the most stoic of people into a spiral of physical pain and emotional turmoil. All it takes is the smell of smoke, and suddenly you're there again, in that memory, reliving your trauma as if it's happening right now.
You know how real those moments feel. You know that 'relax' is a four-letter word. You feel a sense of alienation from your peers that only exacerbates the processing of your experience. The embarrassment of not being able to move on leaves you in a place of despair where your memories continue to control you for even longer. That hopelessness starts to become more comforting to you than happiness.
Believe it or not, this is all entirely normal. You were taught to react this way. It's how your brain protects the programs it has playing inside you—the reenactments of your trauma on a constant loop in your mind.
It's time to break that loop. You have the power within you to challenge that feeling of helplessness and take back the 'you' that existed before the trauma.