The Top 5 Mistakes You Make When Tapping for Pain

Pain is one of the most common reasons why people come to FasterEFT. Pain can be debilitating. It can suck the joy out of life, and too many people simply accept it as a regular part of their lives for too long. That’s one of the reasons that pain relief is one of my key focuses at FasterEFT. I want to help people realize they can live a life free of pain.

FasterEFT is the best way I’ve found to make that happen! But sometimes people run into problems when tapping. These are the top mistakes I’ve seen when working with my clients.


Too deep in pain

When your focus is on the pain while tapping, it’s hard to let it go. Instead, you want to go inside and aim at the pain.

Let’s say you have a pain in your knee. You notice how strong the pain is. Now go INSIDE the pain in your mind. Is it a sharp pain? Pressure? Numbness? Identify that piece and tap on it. Your focus should move away from the pain and to the tapping.

Instead, think about the tapping. Think about what you’re saying. Think about what you’re fingers feel like. Release, and let it go. Peace.

At this point, you want to move to a positive emotional feeling or state by going to a happy memory. If you don’t have one, then try fake laughing. Then go back and check. Is the knee pain still there?

Remember, pain is a hypnotic state. It’s generated in the brain (even if there is a physical issue). The important thing is that you’re moving away from the pain and not focusing on it.

Thinking the problem is the pain today

Your pain didn’t start today. Maybe the physical aspect started today with a sprained ankle, but the pain likely began years ago. That’s because it’s the stories, your memories, that makes the pain more real and amplifies it.

I worked with a woman who had recurring headaches. It had never occurred to her that the cause might be emotional. When I spoke to her and she mentioned that the headache started three hours ago, I asked her what had happened three hours ago.

Well, her mother had called!

Her mother was upset, and all of a sudden, this woman had a headache. She realized that this happened often when her mother called.

The key component here is realizing that the headache wasn’t a physical thing. It was the result of emotional stress. So tapping on the pain, in this case, isn’t necessarily going to be the solution. Instead, she should tap on the underlying emotional issues and rewrite the story. If you leave the story unfinished, you may face the same pain over and over again.

This woman may run into a related problem now that she’s aware that talking to her mother often causes headaches, and that is planning for future pain.

Planning more pain

People tend to want to protect themselves from pain. And that’s logical, right? But the problem is that when you focus on the future pain, your brain uses past pain and projects it into the future. Which means you are essentially hypnotizing yourself to have the pain in the future.

It’s like you’re rehearsing a role for a play. You practice your lines and your movements, you’re ready for the performance. But in this case, the performance is more pain.

So you aren’t protecting yourself from the pain, you’re actually programming yourself to feel it even more in the future! Instead, go back and rewrite the memories to what you’d like to experience in the future. And if you catch yourself thinking about old memories or practicing for that pain play, tap and practice the new memories. And DO NOT revisit the old memories.

Not tapping in the moment

Tapping in the moment, while you’re feeling the feeling, is of the utmost importance. Waiting until later and tapping after the fact does work…but in the moment is more effective. Why?

Tapping in the moment means you are automatically aiming at what you want to change. The feelings are there and they are strong. Waiting until after means you are feeling those negative feelings longer than necessary!

Feelings are autonomic responses (what I call autonomic trances) — and pain is a feeling. It’s a kinesthetic response built from previous memories. Your choices, decisions, actions, communications, and problem-solving abilities are all affected by how you are feeling (your autonomic trance). Rewriting the negative memories related to the pain means that means you’ll be back to a healthier way of life. It will prevent the pain from coming back because you’ve changed the resources.

Tapping in the moment hits that autonomic trance right now. It can be hard to find that feeling after the fact. That’s why tapping immediately, if you can, is the most beneficial.

Trying to do it alone

eutaptics/FasterEFT is designed so you can use it on yourself. However, if you’ve experienced chronic pain throughout your life, you really need to consider the best training in the world (in my humble opinion): working with a eutaptics trained practitioner either one-on-one or in a group setting is truly the best option.

A practitioner can help you understand what’s going on more clearly, help you determine what you should be focusing on, and tap on you to help you understand how it works. That’s why Roni saw such amazing results from her 1:1 sessions in Ireland, and then again at the eutaptics Level 1 training in Greece (which is happening again this May, if you’d like to join us).

eutaptics/FasterEFT can radically change your life, just like it did Roni’s. She and I spoke just last week about how eutaptics/FasterEFT worked for her.



We have three Heal Your Body events coming up this year: Baltimore, Las Vegas, Romania. If you’d like to join others who are working to overcome pain and work with expert eutaptics practitioners who have been trained by the best, join us in person.

The post The Top 5 Mistakes You Make When Tapping for Pain appeared first on Eutaptics® FasterEFT Trainings.

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