The Power of Letting Go eutaptics® FasterEFT™

The Power of Letting Go

Have you ever blamed someone and held onto it for many years? Frequently, we walk our daily life harboring blame about various things from other people and unfortunately we can do this unconsciously. There are times in life where we tend to blame other people when we are hurt, upset, or sick. If we want to live a more emotionally healthy life, learning when and how to take personal responsibility is key. 

Each week at the Skills To Change Institute we hold Tap-Along sessions where participants can volunteer to express their emotional grievances with Robert Gene. There are two Tap-Along Sessions, one is for participants who live in the United States and reside in those time zones, and the other is for International participants who live in different time zones. In our International Tap-Alongs we have participants from many different countries. These countries range from the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, India, Canada, and Australia. 

In this Story of Transformation we follow Jane, a United Kingdom resident who has been part of the eutaptics® FasterEFT™ program for about a year now. Jane volunteered to share her story with Robert Gene and the group. She told Robert that she felt like many times in her life beautiful things were taken from her. Jane began talking about a childhood memory that had been bothering her, she expressed anger towards her father for so long until she recently found out the truth. Jane loves nature, she grew up in a forest with lots of trees. One summer after she was away from home she returned to find someone had removed all the trees around her house. When Jane was devastated that all of her trees were gone. She was hurt, sad, and angry at her father for removing the trees and she held this resentment towards her father for a very long time. Jane spoke about how once the trees were removed she felt more vulnerable and exposed in her own home. This feeling of unsafe vulnerability stuck with Jane her entire life. She talked about how in her current home she has many windows and how she even feels exposed there. 

Many years later Jane was discussing the trees being removed with her sister. Jane’s sister told her that she was wrong to blame her father, that the person who removed the trees was their neighbor. Jane told the group that her neighbor was very abusive towards his wife to the point they would often hear them next door. So, when Jane’s sister told her that it was the neighbor she felt heartbroken because she spent so long blaming her father for the incident. Robert Gene then took over and expressed to Jane that it was not her fathers fault it was her abusive neighbors. He guided her through the process of eutaptics® FasterEFT™ to help her reprogram her subconscious which allowed Jane to release the bad memories of her father. Jane talked about how she remembered that her sister told her that their parents were even upset with the neighbors because it was in a contract that they would not remove the trees. After going through the eutaptics® FasterEFT™ with Robert Gene, Jane felt more warmth towards her father, she could remember more happy memories with him.  

Jane had also expressed how when she gets overwhelmed with her emotions she would lock her mind inside a deep dark hole to try and escape the emotions. Jane talked about how remembering the abusive neighbor triggered other past memories of abuse she had witnessed over the years. Jane talked about how her sister was abused by teachers in school, as well as when she was a teacher and witnessed her principal choke one of her students. She felt sickened by these memories, she blamed herself and other people. These memories made it a negative toll on her mind and she felt trapped in a hole.

Robert Gene then guided Jane through the process of eutaptics® FasterEFT™  which allowed Jane to release those memories of abuse she had witnessed. Robert helped Jane to realize those past memories were the reason she felt those negative thoughts, he showed her that it was all in the past, and she did not need to blame anyone. This allowed Jane to feel relief, happiness, and even achieved a smile. 

Robert Gene’s training changes people's lives one step at a time. Each participant who volunteers in the weekly Tap-Along is guided by Robert through a step-by-step process by eliciting their emotional strategy and helps them realize that the frustration and stress is just a facade, and the problem is emotional escapism. I am sure there are issues you may face on a daily basis that cause stress, or emotional tension in relationships. The process Robert Gene created can be done quickly and anywhere. If you are interested in changing your life we offer multiple courses on our website created for multiple different issues like PTSD, weight loss, stress, abuse, anxiety and many more. If you are just interested in attending a Tap-Along on our website we offer month-long packages where people can gain access to four sessions in a single month. 

We only have one life, so make the changes now to improve your mind in order to live happier and healthier. If you do not make these changes you risk living with the stress, emotional struggles, and an unhappy feeling that can affect your growth in life. 

As Robert Gene has said, “The quality of your life is determined by the quality of the memories you hold. Change your memories and you’ll change your life.”

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