Tapping Those Years and Lines Away

FasterEFT Tapping is a powerful stress busting technique praised by many, and the same technique can help you delay aging.

Break free from the fear of aging and restore your youthful glow from within by collapsing the mental programs that cause you to age beyond your years.

Our life problems, including our personal beliefs about aging are the antecedent that accelerate aging.

What you believe to be true within your mind about “aging” will impact how your body responds. This is where FasterEFT comes in – destroying negative beliefs to allow the body to recuperate and heal due to your default program contributing to your aging process.

Emotional Distress Speeds Aging

Stress due to untreated depression and anxiety from previous negative experiences has shown to speed-up the aging process by shortening the DNA strand.

Our emotional and mental health, if left unchecked, can result in our cells weakening and degenerating. The human cell contains 46 chromosomes. Each cell is a DNA library with protective caps called “telomere”. When the telomeres shorten, the structure of the cell weakens and causes the cell to age faster and die.

Tapping Those Years and Lines AwayBiological aging and cellular aging is determined by the length of the telomere. Stressful childhood experiences and daily stress is scientifically linked to accelerated telomere shortening. Moreover, chronic diseases have been linked to shortened telomeres by Dr. Wolkowitz and colleagues in their studies at the University of California, San Francisco. Click here for reference.

In short, emotional distress has a huge impact on our wellbeing at the cellular level and without addressing these issues, the aging process can accelerate and not only cause wrinkles but more importantly degeneration in major body organs.


Create the Life You’ve Always Wanted – Starter Course

“Transform Your Life with FasterEFT” contains almost 9 hours of video to help you learn the basics of FasterEFT including the FasterEFT belief system, how the mind works, the structure of problems and how to release those problems using the FasterEFT tapping style.

It will teach you how to fix problems in your life and give you a sense of peace. It also includes live demonstrations of the FasterEFT tapping process by Robert Smith.

See course description here.


Delaying the Aging Process – FasterEFT Technique

Resolving issues that produce stress from previous and current experiences has been proven to be the only way to delay cellular aging. FasterEFT is a simple yet highly effective self-applicable technique that can provide immediate resolution to the aging process by restoring the mind’s health through tapping.

Tapping away those years and lines is made possible by Faster Emotionally Focused Transformations, emotional distress can be resolved, even if the negative experience is from childhood or recent experiences. How?

Memory reimprinting through FasterEFT allows you to locate the primary imprint held within the subconscious mind and releases the emotions it carries through tapping. Negative imprints or memories are the root cause of aging dilemmas. Often left unnoticed, these imprints are the source of negative mental patterns that form habits on how we respond to our environment.

To cope with stress is very important, but FasterEFT is more than just a coping mechanism, it is a total resolution to delaying the aging process and keeping the health of your telomeres by allowing you to produce healthy responses.

Since stress is unavoidable in nature, Faster EFT Tapping may be applied immediately, allowing the body to recuperate and cease the production of stress hormones.

Because of this, cellular regrowth is made possible by FasterEFT Tapping


Faster EFT Certification

How to Change Yourself – Level 1 Online Training

The Level 1 Practitioner Certification Training program is well pronounced as the user manual for your unconscious and conscious mind by many health professionals, laypeople and life coaches that is designed to deliver fast and profound personal changes for themselves and for clients.
Robert Smith, Founder and CEO of Skills to Change Institute Inc. is giving everyone an opportunity to discover the power to change and improve their quality of life, emotionally, financially, relationships and health, with a powerful set of skills. Click here to view full course details.

Find out more about the event here.

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The post Tapping Those Years and Lines Away appeared first on Eutaptics® FasterEFT Trainings.

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