Do You Hate Your Job? Try This Technique

When the gap caused by stress between how you feel now and feeling happy about your job becomes wider, it makes you unproductive and the feeling of negativity may spill across all areas of your life. Maintaining balance is the key, but what if you really hate your job?

It can be easy to repeat to yourself how much you hate your job and even create a list of all the aspects of why you hate it.

If quitting is not an option because that’s how you support your family, you might want to consider that maybe there are only a few things about work that create a mindset of “I hate my job.”

Holding a memory or negative thoughts that evoke the feeling of not enjoying your profession is not always obvious in our conscious mental patterns.

Imprints that create negative mindsets are withdrawn from the subconscious where they reside and are used by the mind as a basis about whether any experience is pleasant or not.

FasterEFT explains why you’re successful at Failing from Faster EFT on Vimeo.


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Perhaps an incident happened where you’re working right now, and that incident has become a dominant thought creating negative mindsets because you can’t stop thinking about it.

Perhaps it triggered an imprint or memory from childhood that made you repel certain tasks at work. Whatever the reason may be, it can be resolved.

More often it is not the “job” that requires change but simply the mindset we actively use when “job” or “work” is evoked.

Nonetheless, this does not apply to every case, if you are beginning to feel deprived of work benefits and your employer is notoriously known as a slave driver, you may consider looking for better employment.

Assess Your Employment Situation

Nothing is ever resolved by just complaining and not assessing every bit of your current life situation. This is a step that is often overlooked that causes people to quit one job after another, creating a cycle of problems.

Assessing your situation will determine what exactly is the source of your unhappiness.

Ask yourself, is it your employer that you hate or the nature of the work that you do?

Your answer will then lead to creating a good strategy on what to do next. Say for example, can you really change employer or can you change your mindset over work.

The FasterEFT technique can help you determine what causes the problems. You can locate which imprints you hold within your mind that contribute to the negative mindset, collapse it and make you release emotions supporting it.

Some things during self-analysis will surface, things that you may not have even known were there all along. Release negative emotions by FasterEFT memory reimprinting. Click here to get started for free.

How Does FasterEFT Work

Our mental programs make us function, whether that function is efficient or inefficient. This relies on the nature of imprints producing the program.

In other words, imprints or memories holding negative emotions will definitely produce problems or a negative outlook about any particular situation.

To provide a permanent resolution it is not exactly the memories that need to be wiped out, but the release of emotions they carry. Emotions are what power thoughts. In short, if a memory or a thought is not holding extreme emotions, they are less likely to be used by the mind to formulate or base a reaction and response from.

FasterEFT simply allows an individual to harness the power of the mind to become psychologically flexible and able to withstand stressful situations.

It is a system designed to create a stronger mind that has resilience over stress


Secret Meaning of Money: Unlocking the Door to Abundance – Las Vegas April 2017

Do you feel lucky? Do you believe in luck? Do you believe you’re a lucky person? Or do you look at all those people who have all the financial freedom and security they could need, and wish you could be that lucky?

Here’s the TRUTH: It’s not luck. Those “lucky” people, just like you, and just like everyone else, are simply producing results based on what they currently hold in their subconscious. Click here to view full event details.

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The post Do You Hate Your Job? Try This Technique appeared first on Eutaptics® FasterEFT Trainings.

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