Remember the song by Alice Cooper, “Schools Out For Summer,” and how excited you would get as a kid to be done with school? Ever wondered how parents felt on this occasion? Do your children bounce off the walls and trigger frustration and rage when they are home for long periods of time? At Skills To Change Institute we understand parenting can be difficult. So we created a solution to help reduce the stress and overcome the frustrations parents may go through.
During a past Tap-Along a participant, by the name of Sydney, volunteered to share her story. She admitted the reason why she came to eutaptics® FasterEFT™ was due to her rage and patience issues. Sydney is a single mom of multiple children who also runs a business out of her home. Sydney had been part of the eutaptics® FasterEFT™ program for a year and a half and just recently started the Level 1 “You Can Change Yourself Master Training Course”. She said she has been six months free of her anxiety medicine. Sydney talked about how when her kids are home from school they can frustrate her to a point she feels she needs to yell at them to get their attention. She talked about how she understands kids can be rowdy and loud, and they are just “kids being kids”. Sydney told the group some days her children just seemed impossible to handle and her rage in these moments could go from 0 to 100 and become almost uncontrollable.
Sydney said that she had several tasks that were important to her business that needed to be done, but she did not have the energy or the willpower to do so because she was always getting frustrated with her children. Robert Smith, creator of the eutaptics® FasterEFT™ program paused Sydney for a moment and asked her how she was raised, if her parents yelled often, or if they were abusive. Sydney spoke about how her mom used to scream at her in a high pitched tone when she was a child and her step father would threaten them with a belt, but never actually did anything. Robert mentioned that her mother yelling at her in a high pitched tone is the emotional trigger that causes the frustration with her children. For instance, Sydney mentioned that her middle son would throw a high pitched screaming tantrum when he does not want to cooperate with what she says. She gave an example of the kids' bedtime routine and how her son would often refuse to get off his iPad or other electronics. Sydney talked about how events like that would set off her son to throw one of these tantrums, resulting in triggering her rage and frustration.
Robert then guided her through a step-by-step process called eutaptics® FasterEFT™, that helped Sydney let go of those emotions caused by her mother. During the process as Robert guided her to release those emotions of her mother she recalled a recent memory of her mother. She said her mother came to visit a few months prior and how her mother threw a high pitched temper tantrum in front of her children telling Sydney she was not a good mother. Sydney told Robert and the group she was surprisingly able to remain calm during the situation and was thankful for the eutaptics® FasterEFT™ program because the training allowed her to remain calm.
During the Tap-Along Sydney’s children were in the background of the Zoom call, screaming and going crazy with energy. Sydney mentioned that she was going to have someone watch them while she was in the Tap-Along, but after Robert guided her to elicit her emotions and find the key points in her past Robert guided her to release those emotions and reprogram her subconscious to help her remain calm and feel less anxiety or frustration when her children were home. Sydney was able to feel less stressed, happier, and even during the Tap-Along when her kids were incredibly active she managed to calm them down and talk to them in a very calm and peaceful manner. Robert guided Sydney to realize she is a strong, amazing, determined woman who could do anything in her life and by using the methods of eutaptics® FasterEFT™ she could conquer any emotional struggle in her life. Seeing the happy, relieved expression on Sydney’s face once she was able to reprogram those emotions was absolutely incredible.
Robert Gene’s training changes people's lives one step at a time. Each participant who volunteers in the weekly Tap-Along is guided by Robert through a step-by-step process by eliciting their emotional strategy and helps them realize that the frustration and stress is just a facade, and the problem is emotional escapism. I am sure there are issues you may face on a daily basis that cause stress, or emotional tension in relationships. If you are interested in changing your life we offer multiple courses on our website created for multiple different issues like PTSD, weight loss, stress, anger management, and many more. If you are just interested in attending a Tap-Along on our website we offer month-long packages where people can gain access to four sessions in a single month.
We only have one life, so make the changes now to improve your mind in order to live happier and healthier. If you do not make these changes you risk living with the stress, emotional struggles, and an unhappy feeling that can affect your growth in life.
As Robert Gene has said, “If you are not investing in your mental and emotional health today, then tomorrow you’ll suffer from neglect with illness, addiction, and misery.”
1 comment
Wonderful testimony! It’s always wonderful to see how eutaptics can and does change people’s lives.